About WYWL
Since 1956, the Westport Young Woman’s League (WYWL), has done a lot for its community and its members. Membership is open to all women who are over the age of 21 regardless of where you live. WYWL offers many opportunities for its members to be involved. Members organize and run our major fundraisers, the Minute Man Race and CraftWestport. Members volunteer in the community by doing things like cooking for the Community Kitchen and also enjoy socials like wine tastings and book group. WYWL also gives grants to charities based in lower Fairfield County and all members are encouraged to participate in that process. Since WYWL’s inception, we have donated over $4.2 million to local charities with over half that amount donated in the past decade alone.
2023-2024 Executive Board & Board of Directors
Executive Board
President: Bridget Flynn… president@wywl.com
Vice President: Tainara Crunival… vp@wywl.com
Recording Secretary: Jennifer Rawson… secretary@wywl.com
Past President: Stephanie Nickse… pastpresident@wywl.com
Treasurer: Lindsey Drake… treasurer@wywl.com
Grants Director: Julianne Bochinski… grants@wywl.com
Grants Co-Chair: Bronwyn Cousins… cogrants@wywl.com
Nominating Director: Jennifer Collins… planning@wywl.com
Fund Development Director: Olivia Eucalitto… funddevelopment@wywl.com
Community Service Director: Barbara Boselli… community@wywl.com
Community Service Co-Chair: Laurel Warren… cocommunity@wywl.com
Board of Directors
Assistant Treasurer: Juliet Jackson… cotreasurer@wywl.com
Membership Manager: Amanda Castellano… membership@wywl.com
CraftWestport Chair: Ariane Trimuschat… craftwestport@wywl.com
CraftWestport Co-Chair: Laurel Warren… cocraftwestport@wywl.com
Minute Man Race Chair: Rachel Van Aken… minuteman@wywl.com
Community Kitchen: Maria Petti… communitykitchen@wywl.com
Public Relations Chair: Isabel Bogdan… pr@wywl.com
Sustainer Liaison: Julie Whamond… sustainers@wywl.com
View list of past presidents
Reading Corner
WYWL History
In January 1956, the Westport Junior Woman’s Club was running as it had for 13 years as a department of the Woman’s Club. Projects included rummage sales, the children’s section of the Yankee Doodle Fair, a spring dance, card parties and the Fresh Air program....
Become a member of WYWL Today
By becoming a member of WYWL, you will join an organization of dynamic and diverse women who are committed to working together to give back to their local community.